Trying to pick the greatest hits from over twenty years of work isn’t easy.

I tried to pull the most relevant things, but if there’s something you’d love to see that I haven’t included, let me know. I likely have samples.

Figure Drawing

I love illustration. If I was stranded on a desert island (that somehow also had electricity, I guess?) and could only choose one program, it would be illustrator. In particular, I enjoy figure drawing. That phrase generally only refers to humans, but I’ve included some favorite animals as well.

Everything Gets Eyebrows

In 2014, I did a doodle a day project, where I just did a fairly quick sketch of something interesting that happened to me that day. I later titled it “Everything Gets Eyebrows,” because apparently, that’s how I draw when left to my own devices. Even things that shouldn’t have eyebrows. ESPECIALLY things that shouldn’t have eyebrows.



Working freelance, I’ve made a lot of t-shirts. These are my very favorites.

Farm to Table Doodles

I like to work in traditional media as well as in digital. Sometimes a project calls for a screenprint, or a hand drawn element, or a giant Mona Lisa mural.

Punk Rock Entrepreneur

I took a conference talk that I gave in Cleveland, Ohio and turned it into a book. The publisher liked the idea of having me do the cover design and interior illustrations, and although it was a huge undertaking, so did I. One project always leads to more, and I ended up designing and screenprinting a poster for my book launch party / punk show, as well as a t-shirt to sell. Because I’m always interested in process, I included some concept sketches for the cover here.


I do quite a lot of hand lettered projects, sometimes it’s just too hard to find the right font. This section is also for fun posters that didn’t have a home elsewhere.

Icons and other Illustrations

Icons are tough, but fun. Trying to pare something down to the simplest representation possible, while still being instantly recognizable is a challenge. This section also includes some spot illustrations and small graphics, which have a similar need to communicate a topic, but allow you more lines to do it with.

Get in touch

(724) 880-0519

Brownsville, PA